The Club You Didn’t Know You Joined

If you responded yes to any of the quiz questions, you’re part of fast growing group. Nearly 42 million people cared for someone age 50+, according to the 2020 National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP study, an increase of nearly 8 million from just five years before in the 2015 study. 

Why is family caregiving one of the fastest growing worldwide trends?

Because people are living longer lives than ever before in human history. Because we have too few trained healthcare professionals to meet sharply increasing demand as the massive baby boom generation is ascending to their later years. Because changes in healthcare reimbursement over the last few decades means greater reliance on unpaid and often untrained family members to care for aging relatives and friends. 

Ironically, the caregiving community is proliferating, yet many individuals who fit the role don’t identify themselves as caregivers. They don’t see themselves as part of a community.

Family caregivers often feel isolated. They don’t recognize that while their journey is unique, the paths they traverse are teeming with fellow travelers. Gerontology education company Borrow My Glasses is working to change that.