Supporting Older Adults with Dementia and PTSD
Older individuals who were exposed to significant trauma in their past are at increased risk for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) throughout their life. Symptoms of PTSD such as flashbacks, delusions, agitation, food rituals, and aversions to bathing or personal care can emerge anytime. These symptoms can worsen years after the initial trauma and are complicated by dementia. This program will discuss specific techniques to comfort older adults with PTSD and dementia, which can also be shared with family caregivers.
Join us to
- Describe common causes of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Identify how present-day behavior in older adults with dementia may relate to trauma history
- Describe specific techniques to avoid triggering or worsening PTSD symptoms and to enhance comfort in older adults with dementia